Integrated Performance Blog
There are way too many area's of the body to provide self soft tissue restoration to the whole body. If we were to hit the whole body, we would spend close to an hour or more only on soft tissue restoration, that would be the only thing we would get accomplished that day!
The question comes up,...
There are many different feelings a pitcher may have after they get off the mound and into the next day. A lot of times, I will get asked if what a player is feeling is normal or if it is something they need treatment on. General muscle soreness is something that you only need a couple...
Pitching is a violent, high velocity activity. Over the course of a game, a pitcher's tissue quality will decline. After an outing, it is best to restore some of those tissue and movement qualities that may have decreased over the course of the game.
There are 3 key things to target when...
I have received multiple questions asking if I find the massage gun and other soft tissue massage implements as beneficial. I want to say that I LOVE when an athlete can benefit by doing something on their own, and I believe the massage gun, and other soft tissue massage implements, can...
Low back pain is a major cause for missed time from work and sports. Recent studies show that as many as 15% of athletes will miss playing time due to low back pain.
One of the categories of low back pain is the stabilization category. Some one that fits in this category needs to focus more on...
Low back pain is a major cause for missed time from work and sports. Recent studies show that as many as 15% of athletes will miss playing time due to low back pain.
Mobility from the hips, upper back, and even your ankles can significantly effect how your low back feels. If one of those area's...
Low back pain is one of the most common injuries for athletes and general population. Treating low back pain can be tricky at times, especially when there are so many different philosophies and exercises out there that are said to "target" low back pain.
When I treat low back pain,...
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