How Do I Perform Self Soft Tissue the Best Way?

massage massage gun physical therapy soft tissue Oct 14, 2023

I have received multiple questions asking if I find the massage gun and other soft tissue massage implements as beneficial. I want to say that I LOVE when an athlete can benefit by doing something on their own, and I believe the massage gun, and other soft tissue massage implements, can provide great benefit to each athlete.

Self soft tissue massage, massage gun included, can have many benefits that include: improved blood flow to the area and improved tissue quality. There are a couple of tips that I would give when explaining to someone the best way to use these strategies.

These tips would be:

  1. Perform self soft tissue massage on days that you do not have exercise or activities that are high intensities.
  2. Work through the entire range of motion of the muscle while performing the massage

In this weeks video, I go over the these tips and provide a few examples on how to perform self soft tissue massage on specific muscles.

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