Integrated Performance Blog
What is the main goal as a pitcher? To throw absolute fire, right?! We want to blaze it right past the hitter, don't even let him have a chance to get the bat off his back shoulder. If he does, the ball is already in the catcher's mitt.
We also want to paint the corners. If for some reason the hit...
We want to hit bombs... like nukes! Every time we step up to the plate.
You ever get the feeling when you swing the bat that you just feel smooth. There is no point in your swing that feels as if there is a block that you have to push through before the rest of the swing is smooth?
That is the fee...
Pitching requires absolute perfect timing. We want to be able to load the back hip, take a long stride to produce as much force as we can. Transmit that force from our trunks, to our arms, and ultimately into the ball to produce the highest velocity possible.
In order to have the perfect timing in...
By Dr. Edwin Porras, PT, DPT, OCS and Dr. Nathan Denning PT, DPT, SCS, CSCS
Are you looking to prevent common baseball injuries?
Are you wondering how to improve performance as a baseball player?
Well, what if you only needed to do three things to reach the highest level?
What if that also m...
There are periods of no throwing throughout the year for every baseball player. Whether is in the off-season for 8 weeks, or you had to stop throwing due to some nagging pain or soreness that you were experiencing. One thing we do not want to do is go from nothing to full throwing very quickly, tha...
Recently, I got asked what are the best ways to prevent an arm injury in baseball players. Shoulder and elbow injuries are on the rise in baseball players, mainly due to the fact that guys are throwing harder and throwing more than ever before.
Even though there is no way to completely eliminate sh...
I often get asked, what all needs to be done to keep an arm healthy and strong for a baseball player. There are many things that can be done, but most get broken into two categories to train:
- Train movement
- Train the arm itself
The body has to move well in order to limit stress on the arm whe...
I was recently asked by a player what he should be doing to help his recovery. He said he was always tired before his workouts and games. He felt as if he was doing everything he could to help recover from each workout.
He was foam rolling, using the compression boots, and even stretching, but he ...
Long toss is an integral part of building arm strength and arm speed. If done correctly, you can get big improvements on your throwing velocity as well. If done incorrectly, you may find yourself with a tired or painful arm at the wrong time and possibly even an baseball injury.
A few things to...
Every off-season I get the question: Should I take time off throwing and if so, how much time should I take off?
Throughout the year, your arm and body go through a lot of stress. With any type of stress, in order to build strength and durability, we need some time for recovery and restoration. The...
There are way too many area's of the body to provide self soft tissue restoration to the whole body. If we were to hit the whole body, we would spend close to an hour or more only on soft tissue restoration, that would be the only thing we would get accomplished that day!
The question comes up, whe...
Finding the right program to create the most robust athlete can be a challenge, especially if you are trying to do it by yourself as an athlete. The goal of strength training should be to create a balanced athlete that can create the most force in many different movement patterns.
In order not to m...
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