Integrated Performance Blog

Hitting Mechanical Faults: Pushy Hands baseball hitting baseball injuries baseball injury baseball performance hitting faults hitting mechanical faults hitting mechanics mechanical faults performance Apr 27, 2024

We want to hit bombs... like nukes! Every time we step up to the plate.

You ever get the feeling when you swing the bat that you just feel smooth. There is no point in your swing that feels as if there is a block that you have to push through before the rest of the swing is smooth?

That is the fee...

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Pitching Mechanical Faults: Lead Leg Block baseball injuries baseball injury baseball performance baseball pitcher baseball pitching mechanical faults pitcher pitching faults pitching mechanics Apr 20, 2024

Pitching requires absolute perfect timing. We want to be able to load the back hip, take a long stride to produce as much force as we can. Transmit that force from our trunks, to our arms, and ultimately into the ball to produce the highest velocity possible. 

In order to have the perfect timing in...

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