Integrated Performance Blog
What does it take to throw gas? I’m talking about those heaters you see Ben Joyce throwing at 105+ mph. What do he and other baseball flamethrowers have in common?
They all move extremely efficiently. Not only is their movement clean, but they can also take that clean movement and put it in their p...
What is the main goal as a pitcher? To throw absolute fire, right?! We want to blaze it right past the hitter, don't even let him have a chance to get the bat off his back shoulder. If he does, the ball is already in the catcher's mitt.
We also want to paint the corners. If for some reason the hit...
Pitching requires absolute perfect timing. We want to be able to load the back hip, take a long stride to produce as much force as we can. Transmit that force from our trunks, to our arms, and ultimately into the ball to produce the highest velocity possible.
In order to have the perfect timing in...
The average length of a baseball inning is about 20 minutes. As a baseball pitcher, especially a starter, that means you have to maintain your performance for 140 minutes if you go 7 innings.
In between innings is a great time to make sure that you can maintain that pitching performance for the le...
By Dr. Edwin Porras, PT, DPT, OCS and Dr. Nathan Denning PT, DPT, SCS, CSCS
Are you looking to prevent common baseball injuries?
Are you wondering how to improve performance as a baseball player?
Well, what if you only needed to do three things to reach the highest level?
What if that also m...
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