How Do I Know If I Am Doing TOO Much Training?

baseball baseball performance baseball strength performance recovery rehab strength training Dec 02, 2023

I recently had a conversation with a player about ways he could improve himself as a baseball player. This player is an absolute beast and willing to do whatever he needs to take his game to the next level. 

When we were talking, he kept listing off different baseball programs that he signed up to do. Between school weightlifting, pitching lessons, arm care program, his travel baseball strength program, all on top of continuing with his second sports weightlifting, it did not seem like he had any time to recover!

We kept talking and it turns out that he did have several of the signs that points to actually OVER training, which can hurt your performance and limit your ability to progress while also putting you at risk for injury. Some of these signs are:

  1. Waking up sore every day
  2. Taking longer to warm-up during each training session
  3. Increased soreness/pain in one area of your body
  4. Repeatedly training the same muscle group or movement day in and day out

If you have some of these signs, you may actually benefit from prioritizing your training and decreasing your activities instead of increasing what you are doing.

This player for example, cut down some of the volume he was doing with each training program he was doing. 2 weeks later, he was hitting personal records on most of his lifts and throws. 

Some times the best thing to do is increase focus on what you are doing and decrease some activities to get the most benefit from what you are already doing. 

If you have any questions about how to prioritize your training, feel free to reach out to me at: [email protected] 

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